At the International Symposium of Electronic Art and Arts Santa Monica in Barcelona, Spain. Curated by Sara Dean, Beth Ferguson, and Marina Monsonís.
Posted on July 16, 2022 by Burst - Projects and Events
At the International Symposium of Electronic Art and Arts Santa Monica in Barcelona, Spain. Curated by Sara Dean, Beth Ferguson, and Marina Monsonís.
Posted on February 16, 2022 by Burst - Projects and Events
Posted on November 16, 2021 by Burst - Projects and Events
Chandra Russo published two scholarly articles examining the history and influence Guerrilla Grafters and the possibilities for our radical imagination. The first, entitled “The art of care: Urban oppositional practices and the case of the Guerrilla Grafters,” is through City. The second is “Cities of Fruit: Arts Intervention and the Radical Imagination,” through American Quarterly. I love reading these articles and learning new perspectives on this beloved project.
Posted on April 16, 2021 by Burst - Projects and Events
And the grafts have taken! In 2020, just before the lockdown, Burst visited CSU San Marcos and grafted the Callery Pears on campus with students. Read about the project here:
Posted on February 16, 2021 by Burst - Projects and Events
This online workshop will introduce participants to the basics of fruit tree grafting, with attention to urban street trees. Burst, of the Guerrilla Grafters demonstrated basic grafting techniques, discuss strategies for grafting on city streets, and talk about the stakes involved for tactical urban commons. They outline the dynamics of public and private space in urban contexts, and how this guerrilla practice situates in larger interventionist, ecological, and social art contexts.
ONLINE MAR 7 | 2021 | 1-2:30PM ET
Posted on February 10, 2021 by Burst - Projects and Events
Grafters X Change, a bioregional eco-art event where fruit tree enthusiasts throughout Central New York converge to share scionwood and seeds, skills, fruit foods, and art projects, is online this year — exchanging scionwood, seeds, and skills via a range of distanced and networked engagements — visit https://www.graftersxchange.org/2021-2/ to learn more.
Posted on November 16, 2020 by Burst - Projects and Events
Sister project HARD GRAFT by artist Seoidin O’Sullivan has a new publication out. O’Sullivan and her co-authors give us many shout-outs <3. Learn more about her project here: http://www.seoidinosullivan.com/#/hardgraft/
Posted on February 15, 2020 by Burst - Projects and Events
In February 2020, Burst visited CSU San Marcos for several days of workshops working through the construction of public natures. We grafted the Callery pears on campus and made companion species seed packets for the ornamental trees.
Posted on July 16, 2019 by Burst - Projects and Events
Published through the Lunch Journal. This issue is #13 and called “Mischief.”
Posted on March 16, 2019 by Burst - Projects and Events, Uncategorized
East Coast Guerrilla Grafters!
Tactical forestry continues in Central New York with the first Grafters X Change:
Grafters X Change is a bioregional eco-art event where fruit tree enthusiasts throughout Central New York converge to share scionwood and seeds, skills, fruit foods, and art projects in a collaborative and interdisciplinary setting. We are committed to ecological justice and honor ancestral legacies of multispecies collaboration and care.
Visit: http://mhaughwout.colgate.domains/graftersxchange/schedule/